June 16, 2022
In the last few days I felt like doing some small projects. I am getting ready for a new large wildlife portrait of a feathered friend. So I decided to get my brushes wet with some small bird projects and practice for it.
My photo archive contains so many bird photographs, that I had trouble choosing. But once I did, I had a lot of fun working with bright, sometimes almost psychedelic colours. I can tell you that there is much more to a tiny bird that meets the eye!
Today all four of the minis were ready to be hanged. Gosh, that sounds horrible! But you know what I mean 🙂 I mean hung!
It was quite unintended to see them harmonise so well with one of my art posters!

“Aim for the Moon – if you miss, you may hit a star’
I don’t always frame my work, but I really liked the contemporary look and simplicity of this acrylic poster frame. I had several made for mini series and they do very well in it, whether they are prints of photographs or prints of my art. Below is another example of how 4 minis can combine into a really nice ‘foursome’ with a title or poem.