The latest art news…

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  • I see, I see, a scenery
    July 13, 2024 It feels so good to be back at painting! And much to my own surprise, it is a landscape. Or should I say: ice-scape? It is my take on what happened this winter in Port Stanley, a charming little village a stone’s throw from our house, at the edge of Lake Erie. It was a… Read More »
  • Finally back to painting!
    July 4, 2024 Hi everybody! Finally I am getting back into the swing of things with painting.Working on 3 different pieces, one is nearing completion and it is a bit of a departure of my usual work: it’s a scenery… Inspired by life, so to speak and I will soon present it to you… In the meantime, let… Read More »
  • How paintings help with grief
    May 29, 2024 Two years ago I decided to make a painting of Mitsy’s signature move: looking at the world topsy-turvy. She still loves to do this and she is the only cat I have ever had that does that. Not long after, I also felt called to paint our other resident cat, Suzi. And of course Mitsy… Read More »
  • Sunday morning musings at the bay window
    Sunday, April 28 Sometimes you have to make yourself take time off and just… sit and do nothing! I did just that today. A fresh cup of Tumeric Latte, a cat in my lap and letting my eyes rest on the fresh greens of the willow and maples in front of our house, the Forsythia in your little… Read More »
  • Totality…
    April 15, 2024 Hello friends! I am slowly getting back into action after our house move. The past months were very hectic, but we have made it to the other side and are hoping for a peaceful summer with lots of bikerides and other fun activities. My studio is set up, but I am not yet ready to… Read More »

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About this website
This website is about art, travel, cats and lots of other stuff. From today’s day and from yonder years…
Our lives are like a suitcase filled with stories and experiences. My husband and I currently live in beautiful Canada, in the large province of Ontario. We are originally from The Netherlands and Belgium, and after years of traveling we have found a home on the North American continent. For us, a home would not be a home without cats; many of our feline friends have traveled the world with us. A special section of this website is dedicated to many of them. But there are also stories and visuals about my adventures all over the globe. Do let us know what you think – we love reading your feedback!